Sunday, 24 December 2017

COCONUT OIL Benefits ~~~~

Sejak tea join group Beauty & Fashion Tips forum cari.. tetiba tea kembali semangat nak update blog..  hahaha... just a short one here...

COCONUT OIL!!!! this is my holy grail oil wajib ada kat dalam bathroom, kat dapur, kat bilik tidur... this oil soo multipurpose and has many benefits.. jom scroll

yes.. the most famous application of coconut oil according to ayurvedic medicine is for oil pulling.. nak buat kumur2 je kan, so tea beli je coconut oil murah2 kat kedai runcit india mana2 mmg ada jual mende ni.. RM3~ camtu je harga dia for 100 ml... how we do oil pulling?  take 1 table spoon (10 ml) of coconut oil and gargle for 5-10 mins every morning before u brush ur teeth....  the benefit? for removing toxins and jaga gusi for long term.. petua ni i dapat from my close friends yang indian, best kan diroang tak lokek ilmu... :)

this cheaper version of coconut oil sangat best utk oil pulling ni... rasa pun not bad, tp jangan laa telan OK!!!

if u want to read more on oil pulling, just  read the full benefits here>>>> OIL PULLING 
 I love using coconut oil for the whole body for my night time routine... for the body oil, i bought the cold pressed version (RM12  brand HAYAT) coz more vitamins ada dalam tu kan... and i will top up with essential oil for extra benefit : - Frankincense, Geranium, Myrhh and Vitamin E Oil (the total EO drops for 100 ml VCO ni is around 30 drops and 20 drops vitamin E oil).. i beli EO brand murah2 je, tak mampu nak sara brand Young Living tu... boleh je beli EO from lazada...  all the EO tu semua beneficial for skin... Vitamin E oil plak i just beli je any vitamin E oil kat watsons and campur few drops into my VCO...  easy peasy kan.. and i literally sapu this oil all over body termasuk boobs ok..

Yes, u read it right... i also use the coconut oil for my post epilation (some post shaving) routine... kat armpits ke bikini area ke kan.. i will sapu this twice a day to avoid ingrown hair from forming... what i do is i use a smaller bottle and titikkan a few drops of essential oil : - Tea Tree Oil and Lavender which are well-known for their anti-septic benefit....

i also consume this VCO 1 tablespoon every morning, with 1 drop of Frankincense oil..

sebenarnya banyakkkk lagi benefit of VCO ni.. tp yang i literally amalkan mcm 4 kat atas lah....
and uols boleh baca the rest of the benefit kat sini OK ... COCONUT OIL BENEFIT

P/S : Kalo korang ada duit lebih, bleh laa beli organic cold pressed VCO ni... kat cosway pun jual brand ni.. harga dalam range RM50-60 sebotol 500 ml... rasa dia pun sedapp yummy

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