Before tea going to the details of each products used, any additional tips & of course the price, tea nak summarize sket the "activities" masa treatment tu....
1. they explain what the products they're going to use throughout the treatment... they will inform you what type of treatment they gonna do according to your pregnancy progress.. kalo 1st trimester, lain method... kalo 2nd trimester, lain method... kalo 3rd trimester, lain method (fully manual, no machines used).... then lepas tu terus tukar baju/ pakaian yang sesuai for treatment lah kan...
2. Inspection time!!! they inspect your whole body & skin.... samada ada stretchmark ke tak, water retention, skin condition, hydration, discoloration, specific products needed for target areas etc.... masa ni, diorang akan advice what u can do at home to speed up healing /recovering process/ alternative home remedy...
3. Body scrub... diorang akan scrub dulu badan.... utk make sure treatment product & oil tu menyerap...
4. Body scrub lagi skali kat shower room & quick fresh shower utk remove scrub....
5. Body Rocking... lepas shower, diorang akan buat body rocking.... ala2 melenggang perut la... tp dia buat seluruh badan.. tujuan??? diorang cakap, to create space for the baby & relaxing the mommy....
6. Massage start!!.. diorang massage sideways, utk mengelakkan kita sakit belakang, since baby pun dah besar...
7. lepas siap massage, they will hydrate your skin dengan body serum, then urut chest area dengan sapu bust lotion, then diorang sapu "minyak angin" kat kaki utk relaxing, lastly, diorang sapu cologne utk refreshing & aromatherapy lah....
Anyway, during my first visit, they did briefed me on the products they're going to use through out the treatment... Their products are natural-based & i love the smell too... tp mahal laa so tea takde plak beli product dia... cakap je direct kalo diorang promo2.... kate tak bawak duit & tengah budget...
1. Smoothing body scrub for a new skin (with Bamboo powders)...
best scrub nie, jatuh chenta tea sbb mmg lembut je & betul2 clean... bau pun of coz sedap...
2. Body Scrub glove....
yup, after the first scrub yang dorang buat, kita masuk ler dalam bilik mandi utk scrub lagi skali & mandi pakai shower gel... (still dalam massage room tu jugak, mmg ada bilik mandi private).. sebenarnya yang clarins nyer glove scrub bukan rupa camnie, tp sbb tea teruja sgt dengan how convenient this glove scrub, tea pun cari alternative glove scrub kat the body shop utk pakai kat rumah everyday... serius best.... pakai glove, tuang bodyshampoo & lumur2 kat badan cam biasa.. tak perlu pegang scrub & tak terpelanting ke sana sini....
3. Tonic Bath & Shower Concentrate
Ni utk shower gel... dia actually boleh pilih either calming or tonic... diorang rekemen yang toning utk tea pakai, and of course, tea prefer this smell too... calming tu cam tak best sangat.... cecair pencuci ni pun sangat pekat... guna sikit pun cukup.... mmg highly concentrated kot...
4. Tonic Body Treatment Oil
yup, mmg tea suka bau ni, sama cam bau tonic bath & Shower tu jugak rasanya... tujuan oil ni utk moisturize & of course, toning your skin & body & avoid stretchmark... the masseurs guna minyak ni utk massage upper body tea... meaning, dari perut ke atas.....
5. Anti-Eau Body Treatment Oil...
anti-water retention oil ni plak digunakan untuk hips & below..... kira seluruh kaki tea diorang massage pakai minyak ni lah...
6. Bust Beauty Firming Lotion
lepas abes massage, diorang sapu lotion bust beauty ni kat chest area tea... mmg diorang massage kat sini jugak...
7. Renew Plus Body serum
8. Energizing Emulsion for Tired Legs..
lepas sapu serum kat atas... diorang sapu "minyak angin" ni kat kaki tea... supaya ilang letih & ringan utk berjalan...
9. Eau Dynamisante
yang ni last diorang sapuuuuuuuuu.... kat leher, belakang badan etc... kira minyak wangi la... sedap bau dia...
Seriusly, nak list down products yang diroang pakai pun dah rasa letih... hahahahhahahahha.. of course, tea tak beli laaa product dia... tea beli satu je, yang tonic oil tu... sbb lain2 cam tak perlu punnn.... energizing emulsion?? tea pakai minyak mastika jeee........
IMPORTANT note!!!!
One thing u must remember kalo nak try out this clarins package, the price is RM288... tea add up 1 body scrub treatment sbb nak make sure the treatment products menyerap betul2.... rugi je bayar mahal2, tp kulit tak serap products kan? lagi satu, please make sure masseurs yang buat tu yang berpengalaman ek, i have my own preferred therapist/masseurs... sbb tea ada try 3 times, and ada terkena skali masseurs yang tak best and tea sakit pinggang lepas treatment tu, sbb dia tak betulkan katil massage tu masa treatment, terlalu lama baring terlentang (patut slightly inclined), and she set the bed temp slightly high, so tea tak selesa during some part of the treatment... anyway, overall treatment is good, cuma uols kena careful with the bed setting & communicate to masseurs, some masseurs listen to the customer, some others just nak siapkan keje aje...