Monday, 25 February 2013

Umrah 2013

hi everyone!!!~~~ am very2 sorry sbb baru ari ni tea ada masa nak post story mory.... tea baru balik from umrah hari khamis malam, then the next day terus rushing ke Kuantan Medical Center sbb dapat berita my SIL masuk hospital sbb complication during her pregnancy... and then esok nye pulak my MIL pulak warded dekat KMC tu sbb jangkitan kuman dalam paru2.. it's quite normal for jemaah2 yang baru balik dari umrah, but considering her age of 71, mmg kena extra care sket lah... diorang still dekat kemaman/kuantan, while kitorang rush back to KL sbb nak keje Monday...

now i'd like to post about my recent umrah lah, before i get to the details, there are few important points that tea nak share with the readers....

1. some people yang jarang2 berpeluang buat umrah, boleh try buat umrah setiap hari, waktu pagi/siang (preferably lepas solat subuh/breakfast) why??? since time ni kita free sket masa and of course, masjidil haram & tempat tawaf sangat2 laa tidak crowded, maybe due to the sunlight & heat, so, many prefer buat tawaf or umrah malam especially the Arabs..

2. my Mutawif bagi tips untuk cepat khatam al-quran during our stay 8 days di Makkah... he recommended to read 5 pages of Quran before and after solat Fardhu... so, within 6 days, kita dah boleh khatam...

3. Untuk elakkan demam/jangkitan kuman kat paru2 sbb kita berada di tempat yang ramai orang & udara kering panas, it's highly recommended for you to sidai towel basah dalam bilik hotel before kita tidur tu... this is to increase humidity dalam bilik... di samping elak jangkitan kuman, humidity ni actually elak hidung kita berdarah & also maintain hydration kulit kita... so, takde laa kulit kita jadi bersisik gatal2 sbb kering... at the same time, kita sapu jugak lotion, but this wet towel helps a lot.....

4. boleh beli tasbih counter SR2 (lebih kurang RM1.7), kalo beli banyak2 biji macam2 kaler ada, bole dapat discount, SR10 untuk 6 biji tally counter nie... especially bila kita duduk beriktikaf dalam masjidil haram, banyak2 kan berzikir.. it's also recommended utk berselawat ke atas rasulullah 1000X sehari.. 

5. tips bacaan untuk tawaf, selain dari bacaan doa2 yang panjang yang kita tak hafal ade dalam buku2 yang diberi dalam pakej, boleh buat bacaan simple nie... Mutawif ada share, tawaf ni ada kaitan dengan solat 

  • Niat... then bacalah doa iftitah cam kita baca dalam solat tu... lepas tu, baca Al-Fatihah & sedekahkan pada Rasulullah & Nabi2 di Langit lapisan pertama... 
  • lepas tu, baca lah zikir2 (subhanallah) sampai lah ke rukun Yamani.... baca "Rabbana aatina.... pastu baca doa antara dua sujud tu.. 
  • sama utk pusingan ke dua.... al-fatihah utk nabi2 di langit ke-2 plak.. then zikir alhamdulillah.. bacaan doa pada rukun yamani tu still sama...
  • repeat untuk pusingan ke-3... zikir allahuakbar plak... lain2 sama...  repeat utk pusingan ke 4,5,6...
  • untuk pusingan ke 7... alfatihah utk nabi2 di langit ke 7... zikir lailahaillallah... then bila sampai rukun yamani, baca doa2 yang rabbana atina... tu then bacalah tahiyat akhir... 
tea baca yang cam kat atas tu, Alhamdulillah, tak pernah confuse bilangan pusingan & doa2 or bacaan sumer kita faham even dalam bahasa Arab sbb itu kita biasa amal & simple...

6. ada duit extra, wakafkan lah Al-Quran cetakan Madinah untuk Masjidil Haram & Masjid Nabawi... mmg mahal sikit, tp Quran cetakan Madinah is free from error in printing or anything lah... it's thoroughly checked... kalo yang jenis colorful sket (kulit hijau penanda kuning) tu, harga dia dalam SR55, kalo yang kulit biru tu, rega SR40... Quran cetakan Syria ke mane2 tu sumer rega SR20 and below... tp biasanya bila kita letak dekat masjidil haram or masjid nabawi, nanti pekerja masjid akan collect quran cetakan tempat lain ni masuk kotak then diorang hantar ke masjid2 lain sekitar makkah or madinah...

okay, tu je tips for now yang tea bole fikirkan.... kalo tea teringat tips lain, tea edit ler post nie.. hehehheheh... below are the pics from my recent umrah...

masjid Nabawi.... tea suka sangat2 madinah.... sangat tenang & friendly... masa pagi2 tu cam dekat Cameron highland aje suhu dia... berangin & cam beraircond.... sejukkkkkkkkkkkk....

ni bergambar depan hotel di Makkah.. about 80 - 90 meters from Masjidil Haram... hotel ni nama dia Al-Maqam...

Di Jabal Rahmah, padang Arafah...
Ladang unta, dekat area Hudaibiyah... unta ni ada nama2 dia, unta 10, unta 15, unta 20... dia ikut species dia, nombor2 tu plak menandakan bilangan unta betina yang diorang kena provide utk sekor unta jantan dalam satu kandang.. kalo unta 10 di provide 9 aje betina, nanti unta tu mati... hahahahhahaha..... so, ada yang percaya minum susu unta ni dapat meningkatkan errr..... paham2 ler...

Masjid Hudaibiyah...

Tawaf- Kaabah Close-up...

Tawaf - Pintu Kaabah

Currently Masjidil Haram is under construction, so, mmg agak crowded area tawaf ni sbb jemaah takleh tawaf di tingkat atas dah... and new plan ni kawasan tawaf di bawah dibesarkan & mudah bagi jemaah utk tawaf... sblm ni Masjidil Haram can cater up to 4 million jemaah, now with the new expansion plan target completion by upcoming Hajj season is 10 million !!!! sblm ni masjid cuma ada 4 level aje.. underground, ground, 1st floor & rooftop, now tea tengok dah 4-5 tingkat dah visible.... cam gambar bawah nie, belah kanan wing lama, belah kiri wing baru yang separa siap, lagi cantik & banyak tingkat kan????

Saie di Ground Floor

Lepas tawaf, kita akan lalu pintu ke Safa nie untuk mula Saie...

On the way back from Makkah to Jeddah airport, kami singgah solat asar di esplanade (jalan di tepi laut) Masjid Terapung...

Berangkat pulang.... Terminal Haji, Airport Jeddah...

okay, setakat ini saja celoteh panjang tea~~~ nak rehat ler dulu before posting about South Korea trip last October... tea perlu mengumpulkan lebih semangat dan motivasi larr utk posting about South Korea tu.. hehehehe... 

- marina / green~tea -

Friday, 8 February 2013

Autumn in South Korea 2012 - summary itinerary

Esok tea akan bertolak ke Madinah, untuk mengerjakan umrah dengan family members, Doakan perjalanan kami selamat ye & mendapat umrah yang mabrur... aamiin~~ so, i wont be posting for the next two weeks...

Since tea dah janji dengan kawan2 tea untuk post about my recent trip to South Korea, now tea nak mengotakan janji ituh~~~ our 10 days trip itinerary ni cover following tempat, tp memandangkan tea kesuntukan masa sket, tea hanya summary sket2 aje, the details of the places akan di story2 dalam post2 later ekk~~

Autumn in Korea ni mmg first budget travelling yang tea try, sebelum2 ni tea prefer ikut tour package aje... so, utk budget travelling ni, ape yang kita kena prepare sendiri?? actually, tea mmg banyak refer dekat forum cari -klik sini --->>> Forum Cari: All About South Korea .... so checklist utk budget travel, antaranya macam kat bawah nie

  1. beli & book in advance ticket flight domestic (e.g. Busan-Jeju, Jeju-Seoul)
  2. book free tour bus to Seoul - Busan Korea Tourism Organization
  3. book in advance all the guesthouses yang kita plan nak stay~~
  4. senarai restoran halal (amek dalam list forumer cari share tu, korea ni mmg susah sket cari makanan halal, so, kena take note sket senarai dia nie)
  5. senarai kedai souvenir yang murah2...
  6. beli siap2 kad prepaid utk subway dia... mmg korea subway & train services sangat best coverage & murah... tp just beware dengan bau2 kimchi yang menusuk hidung dalam train tu, especially time summer... sistem train kat Japan is of course better, tp Seoul nyer system pun tak kurang efficientnya...
  7. bawa kompas yer, bawak stokin & pompuan pakai tudung syria aje, senang nak solat takyah baiki2 tudung...
  8. print siap2 ler peta subway dia, or you can download it online & make sure to make it available offline jugak... tea siap2 download subway map seoul, busan terus...
  9. tea jugak download korean languages dictionary (simple conversation)... mmg berguna ok, especially time mencari toilet, mencari arah, mengorder makanan... penggunaan smartphone mmg bagus kannnn....
  10. wifi di korea adalah everywhere!!!! just name it!! dekat guesthouse, any restaurants, coffee house, even subway pun provide free wifi ok!!!!
  11. berpakaian ikut musim & suhu yer, FYI, winter di korea ada yang capai -20 degC (dekat area mount seorak & yong pyong, so, just be prepared, dont underestimate suhu kat korea...
  12. travel adapter!!!
  13. overall cost untuk 10 hari di korea ni cuma RM 2300 (termasuk flight tiket KL-Seoul, Busan-Jeju, Jeju-Seoul, Seoul-KL, tmasuk juga guesthouse, makan minum, bayaran tiket masuk places, teksi, shopping, tour guide kat jeju & semua2 tu la~~~)
  14. dah datang korea ni, beli laa face mask banyak2 & bbcream... makeup pun murah sgt2... tea beli eyeliner aje, sbb tea tak suka mekap...
okay, bawah ni simple itinerary from 13 - 21st october 2012... just take note the main place yang tea cover which is Seoul, Busan, Jeju & Nami Island...

13/10 - Arriving Seoul
Flight tea to Seoul is on 12th October malam... the journey was 8 hours... the return tickets that tea bought is only for RM 620 all in!!!! murah giler kannnn....tea dan kawan2 naik air asia aje~~ beli tiket awal2 time promo... kali ni tea ke South Korea dengan 8 orang kawan (asal2 nya 11 tp lagi 3 orang dah tarik diri & burn their tickets!! huhuhu rugi nyer).... bawah ni gambar kawan2 tea, yang lain2 tengah gi beli air mineral... hehehhe

sampai2 di Incheon, kami disambut banner besar poster girls generation kat incheon airport.... pastu, sbb perut dah berkeroncong (kes jimat duit tanak beli meal atas flight & jugak jaga badan tanak makan kol 3 pagi) kami pun singgah beli dunkin donuts... there goes my first autumn breakfast at Seoul...

Tea amek airport bus aje,  untuk yang stay dekat area Myeongdong, bole amek bus nombor 6015... Harga tiket cuma 10,000 won (lebih kurang RM28).. time ni tea amek bas 6011 sbb tea stay dekat area Gyeongbokgung... hari pertama ni mmg kitorang jalan2 area palace ni aje~~

di Seoul, Busan & Jeju, mmg tea hunting for Coffee houses.. sbb coffee2 dekat Korea ni sedappp & banyak choices & siap ada academy coffee brewing hokehh~~~

14/10 - Free bus to Busan (6 hours journey) free tickets tu kami dapat di sini Korea Tourism Organization
Di Busan kami tinggal di Sum Guesthouse... mmg berbaloi2 dengan harga, service & condition yang bersih & of course, wifi laju ya hamattt kat bilek~~~

16/10 - Flight to Jeju... di sini kami stay di Yeha Guesthouse, okay lesson learnt for this trip.. kalo korang mahu ke Jeju Island, Plisssss Plissss Plisss stay sini more than 3 days... kalo boleh lebih seminggu!!!!!!!!!!!!! dalam banyak2 tempat di Korea tea penah pegi, definitely Jeju is the best place... malang utk kami, kitorang spend 3 days aje kat Jeju.. uhuhuhuhuhu....

19/10 - Back to Seoul - visit Nami Island... kitorang gi Nami Island dengan train aje.. lepas tu naik teksi... mmg murah & jimattttt & cepatttt..... di sini, kami buat gempakkk sket~~~ kami pakai baju kurung/ jubah oke... bila kami pakai traditional dress camtu, berpusu2 korean nak bergambar ngn kitorang.. rasa cam celebrity pun hader~~~

malam tu plak kitorang gi Namsan tower... for uols, plis plis plisss laa pegi Namsan tower waktu malam ek, even ramai orang beratur panjang, but it's still worth it... ada pertujukan dekat tower tu okeh~~ impressive~~!!!

21/10 - Back to KL

Okay, tea mmg briefly aje citer pasal itinerary kat atas tu sbb tea plan nak citer the attractions at each places individually in every post.... kalo Jeju 1 posting, kalo Busan, 1 posting, sbb it's sooo unfair if i summarize all in 1 post... nanti uols miss the excitement plak!!!


p/s: bawah ni gambar2 dekat Nami island aje~~ sbb tajuk tulis autumn kan~~ so, tea rasa gamba2 ni sangat2 laa related dengan tema Autumn in Korea~~ hehehehe

- marina / green~tea -

usaha2 tea menguruskan badan... soooo many!!!

Okay, today tea nak bercerita mengenai my effort towards weight loss!!! I have tried several alternatives utk menguruskan badan since 2009... tea sufferred jugak laaa dengan komen2 pedas kawan2 sekeliling... so, agak tercabar hati ini & tea jugak concern on my health sbb tea ni ada keturunan diabetes... takmo laaaa kena kencing manis~~~ uuuuuu..... well, bawah ni antara effort yang tea try untuk reduce weight starting from 70 kg... then slowly to current 52 kg & believe me, the best one still exxercising~~ it realeases stress & proven reduce weight banyak & tone my body: -

first time usaha menguruskan badan is herbalife!! mahal okehhh, RM 1200++ untuk supply 1 month, then unfortunately for me, perut i takleh tolerate dengan herbalife ni, tea taktau apebenda yang tea alergik, but i suffered from acute gastritis, bayangkan,  tea kena diarrhea >20 times a day!! T_T mmg sadis.... sampai tea kena papah ke klinik & injected with anti-cramps... tea suffer from diarrhea throughout recovery jugak, tp tak sekerap >20 kali sehari tu la, recovery time is about 1 week....

Premium Beautiful.... yessss... tea salah sorang mangsa MLM.. tp setakat beli satu set korset tu la.. takde laa join group jual2 tu... but i bought the set for RM2300!!! mmg laa cantik pinggang ramping pakai tu.. tp lama2 pakai kulit2 pinggang yg kena besi tu jadi lebammm.. hodoohhhhhh.... pastu sbb dia dah displace lemak dari area pinggang, lemak2 tu naik kat lengan!!! can u imagine, pinggang ramping tp lengan perkasa cam ahli gusti??? lepas 6 months jugak pakai, tea dengan berat hati stop pb.. gigih ok pakai sbb dah spend ribu riban.... huhuhu.... turun tak banyak pun, sekilo aje.. perabih borehh.... one of my biggest regret is buying this korset~~~ sorry, but it's just my opinion...

teh pelangsing badan (tercirit2 makcik meluru ke toilet.. huhuhhuhu)... then tea stop~~ yang brand ni oke laa cirit sekali sehari aje~~ kalo brand teh herba orang kampung tu, aiyooo, bertubi2 tea serang toilet... so, tea pun stop laaa, sbb rasa cam tak sanggup je~~

i bought few exercise equipment termasuk cross trainer... tp mmg puas hati laa pakai, sampai rosak cross trainer tu pakai for 3 years++.... but lesson learnt, i never trust takasima brand dah pasni, sbb equipment dia senang rosak, berkarat.... so, untuk mini gym baru kat rumah ni, tea equipped it with a threadmill; brand reebok... it's the most reasonably priced threadmill.... in my next post, i'll share tips how to choose a threadmill for your home & cross trainer... yang penting tahan lasak, & good dimension & value for money, another thing, tepi threadmill tu kena prepare 1 spray bottle & a small towel utk immediately cuci threadmill lepas pakai... sbb yang merosakkan getah threadmill tu sebenarnya peluh kita sendiri.... untuk make sure threadmill tahan lama, then u need to do proper maintenance ya!!

somewhere in 2009, i started gym workout at kerteh... tea buat aerobic dengan kak atikah tu.. kalo kat kerteh, mmg dia glemer lah.... tp tu la, asik on off on off aje tea ni, kurang berdisiplin, but i still managed to reduce my weight from 70 kg to 64 kg within a year....

i also tried Blood Type Diet!!!~~~ kalo nak tau lebih lanjut, click aje sini.... ---> Blood Type Diet tea takleh explain sini sbb it's a topic of its own, panjang cerita nya....

Bawah ni plak gambar2 contoh classes by Les Mills yang mmg tea attend kat gym~~ reason being i followed classes is to have fun when i workout!!! and instructor2 pulak akan betulkan teknik2 dan posture badan semasa kita workout tu....

bila tea start pindah ke KL, tea pun teruja tengok ofismet tea yang highly motivated to do their workout routine daily... ada yang prefer early morning before office hour tu (since kelas takde masa nie, all of them just do the normal machines workout, weight lifting, threadmill etc), ada yang prefer workout time lunch hour (time ni banyak option kelas), ada yang after office (time ni pun banyak kelas offered)... tea join gym TTFC sbb bawah ofis ni aje kan & TTFC subscribed with Les Mills nyer workout class, sama cam Fitness First... I love all the bodycombat, sh'bam, bodystep, bodyvive, bodypump, semua2 laa!!!! instructor2 dia sangat happening!!  that's what motivates me to do my routine workout daily!!! seriously, i love the lively class, the warm and chatty fellow gymmers, the beat and music & the sweating!!! we even sometimes join the 3 hours workout by kevin zahri or aerobicthon held by FISAF 

Honestly, this healthy lifestyle yang brings back myself to ideal shape & weight masa anak2 dara dulu, well actually, even better!!! dulu zaman anak dara seluar tea saiz 26 oke... now i can fit to size 23 or 22 inch!!!... kui kui kui.....that's why i tell u, even better kannn!!! berat anak dara dulu 56, now im 54 kg, tak jauh beza, but the size mmg beza & u know why??? because of my muscle mass!!! sekilo fat, tak sama volume dengan sekilo muscle... tak caya??? tengok gamba bawahh~~~ bawah nie comparison pix of 1 kg fat & 1 kg lean muscle~~ see it to believe it!!! now u know kan????

In Sha Allah, in my next posts, i'll elaborate more on type of exercises ek....  what classes being offered, and what kind of exercise to suit your body & weight target... till then~~~

marina / green~tea

Thursday, 7 February 2013

My first post

Yeay!!~~ finally!!! dapat jugak tea create blog ni selepas beberapa kali kawan2 tea (kat ofis, gym / forum cari) request... so girls/ guys, this is dedicated to all of you... :)

to all viewers, lemme first introduce myself.... my name is marina, but i prefer to address myself as tea (as in green~tea)... i'm so used to call my name di alam maya ni as tea sbb green~tea is my nick dalam forum cari ( other forums pun tea akan pakai nama ni jugak (purseblog)...

this marks as my first post... hopefully tea akan start to post firstly on travelling... it's been my new found interest, sebelum 2011 mmg tea tak pernah travel jauh2 (except for singapore & indonesia)... well, actually yang membuatkan tea terbuka pintu hati untuk start travel ni bila tea diberi peluang untuk attend course selama sebulan di Japan masa February 2011... well, almost one month, mostly in Ikebukuro, Tokyo and the rest also covers kyoto, hiroshima, iwakuni, marifu.... okay, tea akan jadikan details of my trip to Japan tu as next posts... hehehe...

my blog jugak akan bercerita pasal my effort for beauty & health... dulu berat badan tea 70 kg & how i managed to reduce to my current weight of 54kg will be shared here... kawan2 tea pun ada bagi galakan mengenai kecantikan diri... soooo... tungguuu~~~~ nantikan post2 seterusnya.... and i am all excited to share my experience, knowledge, & passion, in sha Allah utk reference & spark others interest jugak.... :)

XOXO (feeling2 gossip girl laa kanss)
- marina / green~tea -